After all of the hustling, trying to get ahead, make it, leveling it …there will still be a soul longing for something deeper. I don’t care how we try to make life work in our favor, how we attempt to put on like everything’s good, life will never work for us …void of Jesus. The human ego doesn’t want to admit brokenness, loneliness, heartache, and confusion. But that’s exactly why Jesus came …to heal the broken-hearted and free us from the bondage of sin’s grip. Sin (disobeying God) costs!
But the truth is, we don’t have to accept its penalty. We don’t have to live in poverty, be fearful, lonely, suicidal, and broken. Life, even through its challenges, can be healthy and beautiful! But access to abundant life will cost us. It will cost us our life. Our way of doing things. Our mindset, pride and ego. At the commencement of our sacrifice, hope sits still waiting for us to receive it.