I believe God is more concerned with vetting our character/heart than He is about checking off our prayer requests.
Submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ forfeits “my way.” That’s the thing. My life is not my own anymore. I don’t get to cry Lord, Lord and then proceed to do things my way. That’s the difference between being a …fan …of Jesus Christ and actually following Him.
Being in Christ requires a standard of living that we are incapable of achieving without Him. He knows this, so He’s given us a Comforter who is packed with power by way of the Holy Spirit.
The same Spirit who:
….leads us to help someone we typically get along with, is the same one who will lead us to forgive someone who mistreated us.
….demonstrates the goodness of God towards us will teach us how to flee sin and be accountable to the standard of holiness.
…. reminds us how much God loves us is the same one who will lead us to apologize.
…teaches us how to build a business is the same who teaches us to be disciplined with studying God’s Word.
….comforts us in pain is the same one who will instruct us to love our enemy.
The life of a Believer is not centered around us, our requests, desires, and how we expect other to perceive and treat us. It’s centered around Jesus! …and Him alone.