Please hear my heart …
I see and hear a lot of criticism about what the church doesn’t do, the resources it doesn’t provide, and the list goes on. May I submit a reality?
I have served in ministry for the vast majority of my life and what I’ve observed is the fulfillment of the scripture …the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few. Matthew 9:37-38.
Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of Pastors and workers in the local body, have full time jobs and families and careers of their own to manage. Most don’t get paid. They, we, are also human. Yes, we get tired, frustrated, have to deal with our own personal lives …all, while pouring out to others, week after week. Sometimes, we are not at our best. Sometimes, our local church is not equipped to meet your need. And most times, all the time, we need help …people who are willing to serve.
Here’s what I encourage you to do: Pray and ask God which local body He wants you to be a part of. If there is a need there, politely submit it to leadership. More importantly, be the first to volunteer in that capacity. Instead of complaining and publically/privately bashing a Pastor or a local ministry, ask what you can do to help.
As well, understand that local churches are not designed to be all things to everyone. The Body of Christ has many members or parts. What one local body can provide, another may not, and that’s okay. The body functions best when each part does its job …well!
So, criticizing the worship team because they don’t play your favorite song or because the musicians may not have an expert skill level isn’t fair. Offer to mentor young musicians and raise them up. Instead of complaining about the ministry not having a youth group, start one. And for God’s sake, instead of complaining that the Pastor didn’t return you call and give you what you requested, give him grace. Perhaps he’s carving out much needed time and resources for his family.
It’s time out for complaining about the church and begin being an active participant in it. I LOVE God’s church! It is active and thriving. Don’t let the media fool you. Lives are being transformed by the preaching of the Gospel and community benevolence.
We are here! Let’s work together to change lives! Get plugged in, stop complaining, and roll up your sleeves. We have work to do!!