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If My People

Dwan Riggins

There is a charge for Believers all over the world: 2 Chronicles 7:14

-Humble ourselves

-Turn from wicked ways

-Seek God’s face. 

The scripture asserts that the world is in the state that’s its in because those who call themselves by the name of Jesus Christ, Christians …have strayed from the accountability of sound doctrine and relaxed/compromised the instructions of God. 

The same power that …emboldens us to get wealth, gives us creative strategies, and reminds us that we are loved, is the same power that equips us to be holy. That is, choosing to reject  forms of godliness while denying the power that empowers us to live godly. 

The enemy never plays fairly …and will always entice us with shallow Christian standards that cause us to relax the discipline of righteousness. Especially during these times, it is essential that we live for someone greater than ourselves. That we are accountable to discipleship. May we be a light in dark spaces …bold in areas of compromise …and hungry for righteousness. It’s not deep, too saved, and irrelevant to love God for real. We prove we love Him by keeping His instructions. And we keep His instructions because He empowers us to do so. 

Our lives belong to Him and the manner by which we live should always aim to draw the world to Jesus …and not ourselves. May we reject the bait of worldliness, never blur the lines God’s character, exam our motives, and declare who God is …as a good Father …and one day …as a good Judge. 

It’s not a game. May be humble ourselves, turn from wicked ways, and seek His face …then He’ll hear from Heaven and heal our land .


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