Jesus is enough. Take a moment to consider any problem or unsettling you have, and resolve …Jesus is enough.
Sometimes, because of our limited human thinking, we add an "and" to "Jesus" which suggests something else is required to complete the finished work. It's like setting something outside of a filled container rather than in it. Once something is placed in a container, it should be affected by its contents. Far too often, again, in our limited mental
capacity, we believe we have to add and insert our way, perception, or understanding, when in reality, God has empowered us by way of the Holy Spirit to be affected by the vast contents of Jesus.
Our ONE responsibility: yielding, so that we uphold the mandate to walk in the Spirit. Sadly church culture has bullied us into believing that inviting the Spirit into every aspect of life makes us disconnected, square, ineffective, and counter culture. So we add a little flesh to appear to be relevant. When in reality, it's the Spirit of God that our culture needs. We rely too much on our human capacity and that’s where the struggle ensues …it’s a constant war between our Spirit and flesh.
“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.” Hebrews 4:15.
This is the standard and I believe this is also the next level of faith. It is impossible to live like Jesus, without the power that propelled Him in faith. What we’ve got to refrain from doing is making excuses for our flesh. Not just by way of sin that defiles the flesh but the sin of unbelief. And so, rather than allowing the Spirit of God to regulate our soul, we begin to adopt ideologies and patterns to help us believe.
God ministered to me the other day and said “Dwan, my Grace (Jesus) is sufficient. The only reason I’ve given you doctors, therapists, attorneys, medicine, social media, jobs, etc. is because sin introduced other options of trust in things outside of me. My plan all along was for my creation to rely solely on me. But I’m gracious and patient, so I’ve provided these resources as earthly tools to build faith in Me. I’m still the key! The doctors are not your Healer. I am. The therapists are not your counselor. I am. Your job is not your financial source. I am. Social media isn’t the Bread of Life. I am. The attorney is not your Advocate. I am.
Perhaps our internal struggles are a result of misplaced faith. What or who have we placed more faith in than Jesus? What and who has our attention more than Jesus? Pride will deny everything, but humility allows us to reevaluate. This life is meant to be enjoyed! Peace and joy are promises.
You keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3
This is a sacred day before our Lord. Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the LORD is your strength! Nehemiah 8:10
Jesus is enough. I pray you are encouraged today and this message galvanizes you to press pause on everything …and ensure every aspect of your life reaps the benefits of being placed in the contents of Jesus.