I am ambitious, so I have to be very intentional about being present where my feet are. Not ruminating over the past nor overthinking the future. But present in the moment, so I don’t miss the beauty of the opportunity in front of me.
Here are 20 things that I do to remain present:
Say thank you and I love you .…often.
Dance, anywhere, like no one is watching.
Sit on my couch and stare out of the window. TV off. Phone down. God meets me there. ‘Lots of gratitude and inspiration.
People or animal/insect watch. Google why creatures have certain tendencies. Fascinating.
When I’m in conversation, I make eye contact and ask questions pertinent to what someone is saying, to ensure I’m listening.
Cook or prepare meals/snacks.
Sit in my Jeep in between meetings/clients, errands, or when I get home.
Lay on the floor in silence.
Feel, with the intent to deal, heal, and grow.
Ask a stranger how their day is going and actually listen to their response.
Take care of plants. I’m considering a small dog …considering …heavy on the “I have reservations.”
Listen to the lyrics, instruments, cadence, and vocal nuances of a song.
Personal assessment, grace, and accountability.
Pick a piece of lint off of someone’s clothes: a small but thoughtful gesture.
Try clothes on in the store, rather than than buy them and hope they fit.
Have an intellectual conversation with a toddler/small kid or an elder. The best!!
Play a game with a kid, but based on THEIR rules. 😩
Articulate what I want/need: “I want to spend time with you.” “Will you help me with this?”
Read the instructions. This one is hard because I like the challenge of figuring it out.
Help someone tackle a large task.