Truth is objective. When a person, society, and/or culture abandons truth in order to create their own set of rules, ideals, constructs, and realities …it’s usually an indication that they don’t want to live a life of accountability, self-control, and order. Imagine. Humans who are yielded to no one = lawlessness. Ambiguity doesn’t disqualify the objectivity of truth. Deception is the tactic used to cause one to consider another …option. Enter the Garden of Eden. You ever wonder why destroying the life, without cause, of a newborn baby is even a conversation? Or why we’re even questioning the permanence of gender. Soon, the same demonic powers that be, will convince many that “minor attracting”
I’m grieved. So since our society has, very methodically and casually, rejected objective truths by implementing new paradigms and ideals … and essentially bullying people into not questioning these new constructs ….”minor-attracted persons” aka pedophiles, will soon be normalized and destigmatized. They want a piece of the “I can do what I want” pie. We’ve been more interested in being non-offensive at the expense of protecting our children. We’re here and it’s time to pray.
I pray daily for revival, that I our nation and world will repent and honor the reverential fear the Lord.